via Flipside Crypto Infrastructure

brian_#3619 @ discord

Dashboard Content:

  1. Abstract
  2. Methodology
  3. Redelegations Over Time
  4. Delegations Over Time
  5. Data/Queries
  6. Insights/Conclusion
  7. Additional Links


With Flipside Crypto's latest round of Terra bounties, the following question was asked:

<aside> 💡 How often do delegators change which validator they are delegating to? Has this (delegator churn) changed over time?


This is an excellent question that should demonstrate how secure people feel about their validators. We will also take a look at the reasons that some people may redelegate from one validator to another.

I answered the first question by leveraging Flipside Crypto's: Velocity. Velocity is an app that allows you to query various blockchain data via a Snowflake SQL infrastructure.